
El Profesor, 1987

Title of Image

Project Details

  • Subject: El Profesor Vazquez
  • Date: 1987
  • Place: Mérida, Yucatán, México 
  • Format: 35mm, Kodak Tri-X

I shot this picture while I was studying in Mérida, Yucatán, México.

El Profesor Velazquez was a music teacher in the city for many years and after his retirement he voluntarily greeted people in the Palacio Del Gobierno.

What intregued me about him was his humble, gentle manner.The way he spoke about music. Experience showed in his hands. Kindness glowed in his eyes and dignity could be seen in every part of his being.

He was a man of humble means. Notice his broken glasses and the pesos in his shirt pocket from people offering tips for his knowledge of the Palacio Del Gobierno. He also gave me a printed flyer from 1950's that promoted his music classes.